> On Dec 19, 2022, at 9:25 AM, Jim Klimov <jimklimov+...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe also try strace, truss and the likes to see what syscalls it makes? 
> e.g. falls on read/select?..

Yep, it’s not even trying a connect().  Here is upsmon vs. curl:

[root@ss20 ~]# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/ups/lib truss -f 
/usr/local/ups/sbin/upsmon 2>&1 | grep -i connect
Broadcast Message from nobody (???) on ss20 Mon Dec 19 11:19:26...
Communications with UPS ups@ lost
Broadcast Message from nobody (???) on ss20 Mon Dec 19 11:19:31...
UPS ups@ is unavailable

[root@ss20 ~]# truss curl -I -v http://burn.net 2>&1 | grep -i connect     
About to connect() to burn.net port 80 (#0)
connect(4, 0xEFFFEC98, 32, 1)                   Err#150 EINPROGRESS
Connected to burn.net (2001:19f0:5c01:19a3:45:76:18:80) port 80 (#0)
Closing connection #0

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