On Dec 21, 2023, at 1:13 PM, Tim Reimers KA4LFP wrote:

> Yet, a "file" command shows it to be an 32-bit ELF executable.

Although you mentioned that they are both running Debian bullseye, Pi2 is 
64-bit capable, and it looks like the Raspbian image is 64-bit (aarch64 in the 
/lib pathnames). So that won't run 32-bit ELFs without additional packages. 
(The Model B can only run 32-bit code.)

Did the packages for Pi2 install upsstats.cgi to /var/www/cgi-bin? Does the 
problem go away if you use the copy installed to /usr/lib/cgi-bin/nut ? (If 
not, it seems like a bug in the 64-bit Raspbian build - I wonder if they keep 
the build logs online somewhere. But a 32-bit binary creeping in to a 64-bit 
build seems quite unlikely.)

I don't have a 64-bit Pi to test this, but I'm fairly certain the original 
"file not found" error is related to not being able to find/load the 32-bit 
libc on a 64-bit system.

- Charles Lepple
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