On 4/24/24 18:06, Charles Lepple wrote:
My guess is that if you sent 520, upsc would return 8 (for a revised
maximum of 511 seconds). If not, the UPS is even weirder than most 🙂

As you found, the ignorelb option is available to work around
limitations in the UPS shutdown logic.

I can confirm

upsrw -s battery.runtime.low=520 -w CST150UC@localhost
battery.runtime.low: 8

I also tried

upsrw -s battery.runtime.low=480 -w CST150UC@localhost
battery.runtime.low: 480

upsrw -s battery.runtime.low=540 -w CST150UC@localhost
battery.runtime.low: 28

I guess none of this makes any sense to me so maybe the ignorelb option is the way to go unless you have a suggestion as to what value to use with upsrw -s battery.runtime.low, lol.

This seems to work though

mcedit /etc/nut/nut.conf
driver = usbhid-ups
port = auto
ondelay = -1
override.battery.runtime.low = 3600

upsc CST150UC@localhost
battery.runtime.low: 3600 (system will shutdown when 60 minutes of runtime is left)
ups.delay.start: -1 (never powers on the load, even when main power returns)

Thank you
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