On 6/10/24 19:46, Charles Lepple wrote:
On Jun 10, 2024, at 7:22 PM, Jack McGee wrote:
mythuser@amethi:~$ upsdrvctl start
Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.7.4
Can't open /etc/nut/ups.conf: Can't open /etc/nut/ups.conf: Permission denied
If you are sure the driver is not running (unclear from "eliminating the no 
connection error"; instead check for the absence of the usbhid-ups process), try 
rerunning `upsdrvctl start` with sudo.

I was pretty sure it was running because the webpage still updates.

mythuser@amethi:/etc/nut$ sudo upsdrvctl start
[sudo] password for mythuser:
Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.7.4
Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.41 (2.7.4)
USB communication driver 0.33
Duplicate driver instance detected! Terminating other driver!
Using subdriver: CyberPower HID 0.4

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