Ha! The secret sauce! Thanks, Tim - This last bit has got my system working.

I had nut-server.service enabled and nut.target disabled. I cannot tell you how they got to that state. It might be the RPM, or more likely my messing around several months ago. I do not remember ...

In any event, I added the network stuff to the Wants and After lines in the nut.target file, then disabled nut-server.service and enabled nut.target. After reboot it is all working. No more manual intervention. Woot!

I wonder if this will get Rick's system running??

Bill Gee

On 7/29/24 16:45, Tim Dawson wrote:
OK, looking at this on my RH8 test image . . .

The first thing that I note, is that the *only* thing that needed to be set to "enabled" in systemctl (IE "systemctl enable ....") is the nut.target entry.

All else here are disabled, and "drug along" by nut.target which ensures that they come up in sequence.

In nut.target I added to the "After" and "Wants" lines thus to force it to wait until network startup is complete:

After=local-fs.target nut-driver.target nut-server.service nut-monitor.service network.target network-online.target Wants=local-fs.target nut-driver.target nut-server.service nut-monitor.service network.target network-online.target

This should cause nut.target to not run until the network is up, and it will start the other nut modules accordingly.


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