Jim Klimov via Nut-upsuser <nut-upsuser@alioth-lists.debian.net> writes:

> Upsmon as such has no need for XML (libneon et al); that would be
> nut-scanner and the Eaton NetXML protocol driver.

Sure, but it is normal for packaging systems to build the entire
project, so that whatever someone wants is available, and thus depend on
the union of the dependencies.   That's what ups-nut more or less
suggests by building everything at once, instead  of having N separate
tarballs to be built/installed.

The art is choosing how much grief to goto to make split packages,
guessing on who wants what, and who won't already have the dependencies.
Things like libxml are IMHO not a big deal; qt on the other hand is a
major problem, to pick an extreme (for a program that is not a
using-facing qt app; for qgis it's fine).

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