Have recently purchased a MGE Nova 1100 UPS and am trying to get running on netBSD.




netBSD 3.0 amd64

libusb 0.1.10a

nut 2.0.3


Built & installed libusb

Built kernel with ugen device and uhid removed

Build & install nut-2.0.3 with usb


Chmod /dev/ugen1 etc to allow access by nut user.





        driver = newhidups

        port = auto

        desc = "MGE Nova 1100 on lamborghini"





ACL all

ACL localhost


ACCEPT localhost





When start driver it responds


bash-3.1# /usr/pkg/libexec/nut/newhidups  -a MGENova

Network UPS Tools: New USB/HID UPS driver 0.28 (2.0.3)


Detected a UPS: unknown/unknown

Using subdriver: MGE HID 0.8


Upsd responds


bash-3.1# upsd  -f

Network UPS Tools upsd 2.0.3

Connected to UPS [MGENova]: newhidups-auto

Synchronizing........ giving up


bash-3.1# upsc [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Error: Data stale


If I un-plug and reconnect to the USB cable, give it a couple of seconds and then try upsc again

Note: Have left it overnight without resetting cable and no data. Can only get data if I remove and re-connect the USB cable


bash-3.1# upsc [EMAIL PROTECTED]

driver.name: newhidups

driver.parameter.pollinterval: 15

driver.parameter.port: auto

driver.version: 2.0.3

driver.version.data: MGE HID 0.8

driver.version.internal: 0.28

ups.mfr: MGE

ups.model: ups.mfr


But there is no status information given ?


Segment of debug info


From driver:


debug level is '5'

Checking device (0463/FFFF) (/dev/usb3//dev/ugen1)

- VendorID: 0463

- ProductID: ffff

- Manufacturer: unknown

- Product: unknown

- Serial Number: unknown

- Bus: /dev/usb3

Trying to match device

Device matches

HID descriptor retrieved (Reportlen = 358)

Report descriptor retrieved (Reportlen = 358)

Found HID device

Report Descriptor size = 358

Report Descriptor: (200 bytes) => 05 84 09 04 A1 00 09 16 A1 00 09 17 85 0B 75 0


Detected a UPS: unknown/unknown

Using subdriver: MGE HID 0.8

Looking up 00840004

Looking up 00840016

Looking up 00840017

entering string_to_path()

parsing UPS

Looking up UPS

hid_lookup_usage: found 840004

parsing PowerConverter

Looking up PowerConverter

hid_lookup_usage: found 840016

parsing PowerConverterID

Looking up PowerConverterID

hid_lookup_usage: found 840017

Path depth = 3

0: UPage(84), Usage(4)

1: UPage(84), Usage(16)

2: UPage(84), Usage(17)

Entering libusb_get_report

Can't retrieve Report 11 (-5/5): Input/output error

Path: UPS.PowerConverter.PowerConverterID, Type: Feature

Looking up 00840004

Looking up 00840016

Looking up 0084001c

Looking up 0084001d

entering string_to_path()

parsing UPS

Looking up UPS

hid_lookup_usage: found 840004

parsing PowerConverter

Looking up PowerConverter

hid_lookup_usage: found 840016

parsing Output

Looking up Output

hid_lookup_usage: found 84001c

parsing 0084001d

Looking up 0084001d

Path depth = 4

0: UPage(84), Usage(4)

1: UPage(84), Usage(16)

2: UPage(84), Usage(1c)

3: UPage(84), Usage(1d)

Entering libusb_get_report

Can't retrieve Report 11 (-5/5): Input/output error

Path: UPS.PowerConverter.Output.0084001d, Type: Feature

Looking up 00840004

Looking up 00840016

Looking up 0084001c

Looking up 00840030

entering string_to_path()

parsing UPS

Looking up UPS


… removed lines


Entering libusb_get_report

Can't retrieve Report 17 (-5/5): Input/output error


dstate_init: sock /var/db/nut/newhidups-auto open on fd 5


Waiting for notifications...

new connection on fd 7           ç======== unplug & reconnect USB cable



Waiting for notifications...


Waiting for notifications...


Waiting for notifications...



From upsd


bash-3.1# upsd -DDDDD -f

Network UPS Tools upsd 2.0.3

Connected to UPS [MGENova]: newhidups-auto

Synchronizing........ giving up

Pinging UPS [MGENova]               ç======== unplug & reconnect USB cable

UPS [MGENova]: dump is done

Got PONG from UPS [MGENova]

Pinging UPS [MGENova]

Got PONG from UPS [MGENova]


bash-3.1# upsc [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Error: Data stale                                 ç======= Before unplug & reconnect USB cable

bash-3.1# upsc [EMAIL PROTECTED]

driver.name: newhidups                       ç======= After unplug & reconnect USB cable

driver.parameter.pollinterval: 15

driver.parameter.port: auto

driver.version: 2.0.3

driver.version.data: MGE HID 0.8

driver.version.internal: 0.28

ups.mfr: MGE

ups.model: ups.mfr


I am fairly new to all this, have read all the FAQ’s newsgroups but can not find anything that seems to help.


Any ideas ????





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