
Gamatronic is not currently supported by the newhidups driver. You
have two options:

(1) look at the file data/driver.list or
    http://www.networkupstools.org/compat/ to find a serial driver
    that matches your device, and/or

(2) post the output of 

    newhidups -DD -u root -x generic -x vendorid=0925 auto

    and we'll try to see if any USB driver can be modified to support
    this device. 

-- Peter

Eli Wapniarski wrote:
> Hi
> I am running FC5 with nut coming from the fc5 extras repositories. I =20
> am trying to configure a Gamatronic D-Compact ups. The cable that came =20
> with the ups has a serial connector on one end and a usb on the other.
> cat /proc/bus/usb/devices produces
> T:  Bus=3D01 Lev=3D01 Prnt=3D01 Port=3D01 Cnt=3D01 Dev#=3D  4 Spd=3D1.5 MxCh=
> =3D 0
> D:  Ver=3D 1.10 Cls=3D00(>ifc ) Sub=3D00 Prot=3D00 MxPS=3D 8 #Cfgs=3D  1
> P:  Vendor=3D0925 ProdID=3D1234 Rev=3D 0.01
> S:  Manufacturer=3DRichcomm Tech
> S:  Product=3DUPS2004
> C:* #Ifs=3D 1 Cfg#=3D 1 Atr=3D80 MxPwr=3D100mA
> I:  If#=3D 0 Alt=3D 0 #EPs=3D 1 Cls=3D03(HID  ) Sub=3D00 Prot=3D00 Driver=3D=
> usbhid
> E:  Ad=3D81(I) Atr=3D03(Int.) MxPS=3D   6 Ivl=3D10ms
> So the ups is detected. But when I try to run
> upsdrvctl -u nut start or upsdrvctl -u root start I get
> Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.0.3
> execv: Permission denied
> Driver failed to start (exit status=3D1)
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/ups start produces
> Starting newhidups: Network UPS Tools: New USB/HID UPS driver 0.28 (2.0.3)
> No matching USB/HID UPS found
>                                                             [FAILED]
> Starting upsd: Network UPS Tools upsd 2.0.3
> Can't connect to UPS [Gamatronic] (-auto): No such file or directory
> Synchronizing........ giving up
>                                                             [  OK  ]
> Starting UPS monitor (master): Network UPS Tools upsmon 2.0.3
> Using power down flag file /etc/killpower
> Fatal error: insufficient power configured!
> Sum of power values........: 0
> Minimum value (MINSUPPLIES): 1
> Edit your upsmon.conf and change the values.
>                                                             [FAILED]
> /etc/sysconfig/ups  contains
> # If the UPS is locally attached set it to "yes"
> SERVER=3Dyes
> # Model of the UPS (filename to call for it, without path)
> # Example - one of
> #       apcsmart        - APC SMartUPS and similar
> #       fentonups       - Fenton UPS
> #       optiups
> #       bestups
> #       genericups
> #       ups-trust425+625
> #  upsdrvctl
> # You MUST change this, or set SERVER to "no"
> # To support multiple drivers, set MODEL=3Dupsdrvctl
> MODEL=3Dnewhidups
> # UPS device - needed if UPS is locally attached
> DEVICE=3Dauto
> # Any options to pass to $MODEL
> # ex. for my TrippLite UPS, use
> #       OPTIONS=3D"-t 5"
> # Any options to pass to upsd
> #
> # [End]
> /etc/ups/ups.conf contains
> [Gamatronic]
>      driver=3D newhidups
>      port =3D auto
>      desc =3D "Gamatronic D-Compact"
> I tried to modifying /etc/udev/rules.d/nut-usbups.rules to inlcude the =20
> following lines before LABEL=3D"nut-usbups_rules_end" to include
> # Gamatronic D-Compact - usbhid-ups
> SYSFS{idVendor}=3D=3D"0925", SYSFS{idProduct}=3D=3D"1234", MODE=3D"660", GRO=
> UP=3D"nut"
> I got the same results. Please help me to get nut configured correctly.
> Thanks
> Eli
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