Hi Daniel,

2006/6/29, Daniel Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hello, I recently had a failure with my old MGE ESV8 ups, it just died
on me so I had to get a new one. I found a MGE ESV8+ cheap and
everything seems to work fine with it except the communication with the
computer. The old ESV8 (non +) worked fine with NUT after applying some
patches I got from the mailing list, but I think they are in the source
tree now. I'm using the same cable that worked with my old ups, as it's
the same protocol mge-utalk and same cable to the new ups.

I'm running FreeBSD 6.1 amd64 with NUT 2.0.3 installed from ports and my
problem is that I can't seem to get any data out of the UPS.

When starting upsd I get this:
Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.0.3
Network UPS Tools - MGE UPS SYSTEMS/U-Talk driver 0.87 (2.0.3)
Could not get multiplier table: using raw readings.
.Detected Si on /dev/cuad0
updateinfo: Cannot update system status
Starting nut.
Network UPS Tools upsd 2.0.3
Connected to UPS [ups]: mge-utalk-cuad0
Synchronizing........ giving up

and my message log is filled with:
Jun 29 13:14:12 zeus mge-utalk[78111]: updateinfo: Cannot update system
Jun 29 13:14:12 zeus upsd[78121]: Data for UPS [ups] is stale - check driver
Jun 29 13:14:13 zeus upsd[78121]: UPS [ups] data is no longer stale
Jun 29 13:14:23 zeus mge-utalk[78111]: updateinfo: Cannot update system
Jun 29 13:14:23 zeus upsd[78121]: Data for UPS [ups] is stale - check driver
Jun 29 13:14:23 zeus upsd[78121]: UPS [ups] data is no longer stale

I'm able to run upsc but I get no data out of the ups:
battery.charge: 000.0
battery.charge.low: 00
battery.runtime: 00000
battery.voltage : 000.0
battery.voltage.nominal: 000.0
driver.name: mge-utalk
driver.parameter.port: /dev/cuad0
driver.version: 2.0.3
driver.version.internal: 0.87
input.frequency: 00.00
input.transfer.boost.high: 000.0
input.transfer.boost.low: 000.0
input.transfer.high: 000.0
input.transfer.low: 000.0
input.transfer.trim.high: 000.0
input.transfer.trim.low: 000.0
input.voltage: 000.0
output.current: 000.0
output.voltage: 000.0
ups.delay.shutdown: 000
ups.delay.start: 000
ups.firmware: 1
ups.id: Si 1
ups.load: 000.0
ups.model : Si
ups.temperature: 000.0
ups.test.interval: 000

This is what my conf files looks like..
        driver = mge-utalk
        port = /dev/cuad0
        desc = "MGE Pulsar ESV 8+"

ACL all
ACL localhost
ACL localnet

ACCEPT localhost
ACCEPT localnet

Any ideas what I can do to get this to work? MGE ESV8+ should be
supported, right? My ESV8 worked just fine. I'm glad for all help I can get.

please, send back a gzip'ed output of "mge-utalk -DDDDD -a ups"
Also, have you tried the tip mentionned in mge-utalk manpage (section "KNOWN ISSUES")
   Repetitive stale status ‐ Loss of communication
       Older  models,  such as ES/ESV ones, might report repetitive "data stale" errors. This is due to the
       fact that these models doesn't support too much polling. To  solve  this  problem,  add  "pollinter‐
       val=20"  in  ups.conf,  and  change  the  value  of MAXAGE to 25 in upsd.conf, and DEADTIME to 25 in

Linux / Unix Expert - MGE UPS SYSTEMS - R&D Dpt
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org/
Debian Developer - http://people.debian.org/~aquette/
OpenSource Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/
Nut-upsuser mailing list

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