First, a little history; nut has been working on this system for about two years. It was a Fedora Core 2 (3?) system that I wiped and installed SUSE 10.1 on so I'm fairly confident of the hardware. I thought I'd saved the nut configuration details before I did the reinstall, but can't find them. (D'oh!)

The UPS is an APC BackUPS Pro 420. The cable is a clone of the APC 940-0024C 'smart' cable and matches the pinout on the nut site.

I've created a user and group of 'ups' and set ports and permissions as outlined in the install doc. I've configged for a user of 'ups' and all the makes were generally clean, though some warnings were given about unreferenced variables and pointer 'signedness' . I'm not thrilled about this but see too much of it. Make exits with a level of 0.

The chmod and chown in the install directions terminate without comment. The UPS is on com1/ttys0, though I've tried ttys1 just to see what changes and nothing does. I've also tried running it all as root as a test.

The salient part of my ups.conf is:

   # Network UPS Tools: ups.conf

   user = ups

       driver = apcsmart
       port = /dev/ttys0
       desc = "Local UPS"

I'm (always) getting the message


   /NUT UPS Tools/nut-2.0.4 # /usr/local/ups/bin/upsdrvctl start
   Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.0.4
   Network UPS Tools (version 2.0.4) - APC Smart protocol driver
           Driver version 1.99.8, command table version 2.0

   Unable to open /dev/ttys0: Input/output error

     Current user id: ups (500)
   Serial port owner: ups (500)
   Serial port group: ups (500)
        Mode of port: 0600

   Things to try:

    - Use another port (with the right permissions)

    - Fix the port owner/group or permissions on this port

    - Run this driver as another user (upsdrvctl -u or 'user=...' in
      See upsdrvctl(8) and ups.conf(5).

   Fatal error: unusable configuration
   Driver failed to start (exit status=1)


   Clearly I'm missing something, but I'm out of ideas as to what to try.

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