> Adding a 20 second sleep between starting upsd and starting upsmon
> seems to solve the problem so I guess this happens because upsmon is
> started right away when upsd hasn't started communicating with the UPS
> but is already accepting connections.

Did you also try adding a 5 second sleep between starting upsdrvctl and
upsd? I think the problem lies there, upsd is trying to connect to the
driver that is still in the process of starting up. Since upsd will
periodically retry connecting to the driver if it failed, it will try to
reconnect after 15 seconds (if memory serves). A 20 second delay for
starting upsmon would blank reporting this problem.

> I added a 30 second sleep to my init file just to be on the safe side.
> Seems to work fine now but it seems like a bug in the way upsd and
> upsmon interact on startup.

Note that upon startup upsd will poll all configured UPSes to prevent
upsmon reporting stale data. However, if it can't connect to a driver
(because the driver has not finished starting up), this mechanism doesn't
work and it will rightfully tell you so that it can't connect to the

Kind regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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