> as far as I am aware everything is as it should be. Kindly have a look at
> my conf files and let me know.
> upsd.conf ------------
> ACL all
> ACL fileserver

This is wrong, you need to add either / or /32 (the mask is
not optional). Up to (and including) nut-2.0.5 this error would be
silently ignored, however this has been fixed in the trunk.

> ACL mercyadmin
> ACCEPT fileserver
> ACCEPT mercyadmin
> REJECT all
> upsd.users --------------
> [nut]
>         password = nut12
> #       allowfrom =

Remove the line above. The allowfrom takes an ACL as parameter, not an
IP-address or -network.

>         allowfrom = fileserver
>         upsmon master           # or upsmon slave
> upsmon.conf -------------
> POWERDOWNFLAG /etc/killpower
> MONITOR [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 nut nut12 master
> # Tell upsmon how to shutdown the system
> SHUTDOWNCMD "/sbin/shutdown -h +0"

Best regards, Arjen

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