Hi all,

At 09:31 21/02/2007, you wrote:
2007/2/20, Rob Wise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Just to follow up on my recent success - it seems the workaround is
not working 100%.  I stopped getting data from the UPS after a while
and had to restart usbhid-ups to get it working again.  I ran it with
-DDDD and caught the following just before it died:
---Start output---
parsing BelowRemainingCapacityLimit
hid_lookup_usage: found 850042
Path depth = 4
0: Usage(00840004)
1: Usage(00840024)
2: Usage(00840002)
3: Usage(00850042)
=>> Before exponent: 0, 0/0)
=>> After conversion: 0.000000 (0), 0/0)
Waiting for notifications...
Notification: (0 bytes) =>
Report[i]: (0 bytes) =>
parsing UPS
hid_lookup_usage: found 840004
parsing PowerSummary
hid_lookup_usage: found 840024
parsing PresentStatus
hid_lookup_usage: found 840002
parsing ACPresent
hid_lookup_usage: found 8500d0
Path depth = 4
0: Usage(00840004)
1: Usage(00840024)
2: Usage(00840002)
3: Usage(008500d0)
Entering libusb_get_report
Can't retrieve Report 2 (5): Input/output error
= device has been disconnected, try to reconnect =
Closing device
Reopening device
Checking device (0463/FFFF) (/dev/usb0//dev/ugen0)
- VendorID: 0463
- ProductID: ffff
- Manufacturer: unknown
- Product: unknown
- Serial Number: unknown
- Bus: /dev/usb0
Trying to match device
Device does not match - skipping
No appropriate HID device found

=>Got to reconnect!

= device has been disconnected, try to reconnect =
Closing device
usbhid-ups in free(): error: chunk is already free
---END output---

At that point it had been running for about 8 hours.  Any ideas?

not an idea, but comments:
The usb problem is huger than thought (not limited to interrupt handling)
It seems that the ugen <-> UPS connection is lost somewhere, and can't
be reattached ("Device does not match - skipping").

When in the above situation, does relaunching newhidups / usbhid-ups
solves the point (=> does the driver start and run fine?)

It seems freebsd has got some more work to be done on the USB stack...

Similar problem has been "resolved" by skipping the USB String matching sequence in libhid.c : match_function_exact()
The "Device Match" is therefore only made on Vendor and Product IDs.

Of course, this is only a workaround ;-)
This problem appears also on a kernel.org-based linux.

For information, here are the logs we had :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# newhidups -a ups_on_usb -DD


Waiting for notifications...
process_status_info: online
process_status_info: !dischrg
process_status_info: chrg
process_status_info: !shutdownimm
process_status_info: !lowbatt
Waiting for notifications...
process_status_info: online
process_status_info: !dischrg
process_status_info: chrg
process_status_info: !shutdownimm
Can't retrieve Report 1 (-32/32): Broken pipe
= device has been disconnected, try to reconnect =
Closing device
Reopening device
Checking device (0000/0000) (003/001)
- VendorID: 0000
- ProductID: 0000
- Manufacturer: unknown
- Product: unknown
- Serial Number: unknown
- Bus: 003
Trying to match device
Device does not match - skipping
Checking device (0000/0000) (002/001)
- VendorID: 0000
- ProductID: 0000
- Manufacturer: unknown
- Product: unknown
- Serial Number: unknown
- Bus: 002
Trying to match device
Device does not match - skipping
Checking device (0463/FFFF) (002/002)
- VendorID: 0463
- ProductID: ffff
- Manufacturer: unknown <----------------- Now skipped !
- Product: unknown              <----------------- Now skipped !
- Serial Number: 1HDF44001      <----------------- Now skipped !
- Bus: 002
Device does not match - skipping
No appropriate HID device found


Hope it helps.

Patrick Agrain

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