Arjen de Korte wrote:
> Udo van den Heuvel wrote:
>> If I start the daemons manually, following the info at
>> The programs start
>> OK, no error there.
>> How can I automate this? Why don't the scripts work OK?
> Which script did you use? 

The standard scripts that come with the rpm.
The scripts that worked OK for 2.0.3.

> I can only guess that the script is not doing
> what it is supposed to do, 

So what is causing the upsd problem? (not seeing the driver)

> since if you follow the INSTALL file (which
> is included in the sources as well), it works. But since you didn't
> attach it, it is impossible to tell what goes wrong.

When I get home I will post the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ups scipt.

Kind regards,

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