> upsc:
> battery.charge:  97.47
> battery.runtime: 600.000
> battery.voltage: 0055.20
> battery.voltage.nominal: 0048.00
> driver.name: upscode2
> driver.parameter.port: /dev/ttyS0
> driver.version: 2.0.5
> driver.version.internal: 0.84
> input.voltage: 0230.20
> input.voltage.maximum: 0276.00
> input.voltage.minimim: 0162.00
> input.voltage.nominal: 0230.00
> output.current: 0005.61
> output.frequency: 0050.00
> output.voltage: 0230.20
> ups.alarm:
> ups.delay.reboot: 0000
> ups.delay.shutdown: 0000
> ups.load: 49.778
> ups.mfr: unknown
> ups.model: UPS 3000 VA FW -0039
> ups.power.nominal: 3000.000
> ups.serial: TS311A1433
> ups.status: OL

This is all looking fine and dandy. Note that the leading- and trailing
zero's have been fixed in the development (SVN) version, so if you don't
like those, you may want to checkout that.

>From looking at the 'upsc' output, I guess we can conclude that the UPS is
supported by the UPScode II driver, although it would be nice to verify
that it indeed notices a power failure and subsequently will shutdown your
server if the batteries are (nearly) empty. Did you already check this out

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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