> I noticed that NUT itself keeps the disks from spinning down in the NUT
> server because it keeps logging the user logins and logouts to the syslog.
> I'd like to request that the common logging facility be amended to include
> levels of notification so I can choose to only receive errors or all
> information as it is currently.

We already have that. :-)

Clients logging in and out are logged at priority LOG_INFO, which is the
second lowest level. We have lowered the loglevel to LOG_DEBUG for logging
out in the upcoming release of NUT. So if you set the syslog to only log
LOG_ERR or higher, you won't be bothered by these messages anymore.

We use various priorities for logging information throughout the sources,
so there is no way you can define only one level like you suggest. And
we're not going to duplicate the functionality from syslogd to only log
information above a certain priority.

Note that you can define the facility through --with-logfacility=FACILITY
at compilation time.

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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