Hi all...

I've tested my installation and everything seems OK,
but I'll note a couple of things.

System is debian,
UPS is Fenton Powerpal 660 L

First of all, the ups software did not restart because
I had not changed 'no' to 'yes' in /etc/default/nut.
Maybe it's a debian thing, I don't know.  But I don't
remember seeing it noted anywhere in nut docs.

Second...  Regarding the ups shutdown during
system shutdown.

The 'UPS Shutdown' in the debian installation is
the very last thing that happens prior to the
raid (md) shutdown and system halt.

In my case, the ups did not shut down until
1 minute after the shutdown command was sent.

I'm quite happy to have the server shut down
completely before the UPS shuts down.

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