>> Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.0.5
>> Network UPS Tools - Megatec protocol driver 1.5 (2.0.5)
>> Carlos Rodrigues (c) 2003-2006
>> Megatec protocol UPS not detected.
>> Driver failed to start (exit status=1)
>> How to solve this problem ?
> Maybe it's a permissions problem with /dev/cuua1?

Not likely. The message "Megatec protocol UPS not detected." is a result
of a failure to detect the UPS in upsdrv_initinfo(), which means that the
call to ser_open() in upsdrv_initups() must have been successful.

> Try running "megatec -DDD /dev/cuua1" and look at the output (and maybe
> send it to the list).

That would be a great idea. It would be even better to code this advice
into the driver, since this seems to be a recurring problem. At present,
it is not very verbose on the reason why it failed to start if none of the
attempts to detect the UPS have resulted in a useful answer.

Ideally, it would also show in debug mode what exactly it receives after
sending a 'Q1' command (upsdebug_hex() is your friend).

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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