Arjen de Korte wrote:

>> what am i doing wrong, and why the hell does /etc/init.d/upsd change the
>> permissions on /dev/ttyS3 wrong?

What are those permissions and why are they wrong? What did you do to
make it work?

> This script is not part of NUT. Please file a bugreport with openSUSE:
> Apparently, openSUSE messed up the initialization script as well. :-(

Forget about the above remark. I just double checked and for me, the
script works as expected. The permissions on the port are

        crw-rw---- 1 upsd root 4, 66 2007-10-20 11:48 /dev/ttyS2

which should be OK. It would be somewhat better to create a 'upsd' user
with 'nut' group and change the permissions to root:nut though.
Likewise, the configuration scripts could then have permissions root:nut
and filemask 0640. But this is mostly cosmetic, as it is, the init
script should be fine.

Best regards, Arjen

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