Hi Daniel and Thierry,

2007/10/26, Daniel O'Connor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Fri, 26 Oct 2007, Arnaud Quette wrote:
> > > You can use devfs rules or a devd scriptto modify the permissions
> > > on ugen automatically. (ie chown it nut:uucp if an MGE is plugged
> > > in)
> >
> > I'm interested in any scripts to add to the scripts/ dir (like
> > hotplug and udev) that would make our BSD users' life easier.
> It is probably really up to the port maintainer, although I guess there
> is no reason they couldn't go into the NUT dist file.
> One problem is that you need to specify what vendor/product ID to
> trigger off manually, although I guess a prototype script would be a
> good start.

if you have something to show us, it could give us an idea of what can
be done, or not.

> I don't know how hal, etc.. work with this.. Hald runs on FreeBSD but I
> don't know much about it (although I run it on my laptop :)

here is the example for udev:

I'm sure that shipping it in the nut source would make the porter and
users' life easier.

> > > > It looks like I'm getting data, I'll have to unplug the UPS from
> > > > the wall tonight and see if the battery starts to show that it is
> > > > discharging.  The last time I tried this, it would get the
> > > > initial data but never change until the driver was reloaded (not
> > > > all that useful in that state).
> > >
> > > The problem in my experience is that it is not reliable :(
> >
> > I can't definitly do nothing for that, sadly.
> > But if you know a good freebsd kernel hacker that would like to work
> > with us on improving ugen/libusb/nut, and get a unit to develop and
> > test with, I can do something...
> We're getting another MGE UPS soon at work so I will be able to test the
> patch to ugen I wrote a while ago.

ok, don't hesitate to call me if needed.
Thierry Thomas should be a good member too.

Linux / Unix Exprt R&D - MGE Office Protection Systems - http://www.mgeops.com
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org/
Debian Developer - http://people.debian.org/~aquette/
Free Software Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/

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