Please keep the mailinglist posted. Many developers won't reply to
questions unless they are (also) directed to the mailinglist.

> In addition to Q1, it also looks like "[I]" isn't being parsed correctly,
> or the unit did not understand the query..... no model information,
> serial #, etc.
> --excerpt--
>> Asking for UPS information [I]...
>> I => FAILED [short read]
>> I detail: (0 bytes) =>
> --
>> Asking for UPS information [I]...
>> I => FAILED [short read]
>> I detail: (0 bytes) =>
> --excerpt--

The UPS is not reporting anything (0 bytes) here, so it's not a problem in
the parsing. Unfortunately, it is all too common that UPS vendors only
partially implement the Megatec protocol and (sadly) yours is one of them.
It just means that if the defaults used by the megatec(_ups) driver for
the battery voltage (empty / fully charged) are off, there is no way we
can make the driver autodetect this (and you must override these from the
command line or the ups.conf file). Complain to the vendor, there is
nothing we can do about this.

> Let me know if you still would like a full -DDD output for a full
> discharge (or anything else).

We don't need this, since there would be no way to autodetect this UPS

Best regards, Arjen

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