On Thursday 25 September 2008 17:56:43 Daniel O'Connor wrote:
> > you might want to have libusb debug trace also, to see more low level
> > things. use "export USB_DEBUG=3" before launching usbhid-ups.
> > you might also have a look at your kernel output for ugen to see if
> > there is a problem here.
> Hmm..
> I get this..
> usb_control_msg: 161 1 769 0 0x813310c 2 4000
> USB error: error sending control message: Input/output error
> Can't retrieve Report 1: Input/output error
> upsdrv_updateinfo...
> Got to reconnect!
> usb_set_debug: Setting debugging level to 3 (on)
> usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb0
> usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb1
> usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb2
> usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb3
> usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb4
> usb_os_find_devices: couldn't open device /dev/ugen0: Device busy
> No appropriate HID device found
> upsdrv_updateinfo...
> Got to reconnect!
> Sorry for the late reply.. :(

I finally got off my arse and tried to fix this today.

I found that enabling the libusb_close (as for Sun) in drivers/libusb.c helps
- it can now reconnect.

I think that the '#ifdef SUN_LIBUSB' should change to "#ifndef linux" - it
seems logical to close it before potentially reopening it and it's a Linux bug
that this can cause a problem (mitigated by the fact you seem to be able to
'double open' :)

I still get this every update..
USB error: error reading from interrupt endpoint /dev/ugen0.1: Resource 
temporarily unavailable

Also, I don't understand the underlying problem of the IO error when 
reading, and the EBUSY the first time it tries to reconnect.

USB error: error reading from interrupt endpoint /dev/ugen0.1: Resource 
temporarily unavailable
Got -35 HID objects...
Quick update...
Path: UPS.PowerSummary.PresentStatus.ACPresent, Type: Feature, ReportID: 0x01, 
Offset: 0, Size: 1, Value: 1.000000
Path: UPS.PowerSummary.PresentStatus.Discharging, Type: Feature, ReportID: 
0x01, Offset: 2, Size: 1, Value: 0.000000
Path: UPS.PowerSummary.PresentStatus.Charging, Type: Feature, ReportID: 0x01, 
Offset: 1, Size: 1, Value: 1.000000
Path: UPS.PowerSummary.PresentStatus.BelowRemainingCapacityLimit, Type: 
Feature, ReportID: 0x01, Offset: 3, Size: 1, Value: 
USB error: error reading from interrupt endpoint /dev/ugen0.1: Resource 
temporarily unavailable
Got -35 HID objects...
Quick update...
usb_control_msg: 161 1 769 0 0x8130100 2 4000
USB error: error sending control message: Input/output error
Can't retrieve Report 1: Input/output error
Got to reconnect!

usb_set_debug: Setting debugging level to 3 (on)
usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb0
usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb1
usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb2
usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb3
usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb4
usb_os_find_devices: couldn't open device /dev/ugen0: Device busy
usb_os_close: closing endpoint 5
No appropriate HID device found
Got to reconnect!

usb_set_debug: Setting debugging level to 3 (on)
usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb0
usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb1
usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb2
usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb3
usb_os_find_busses: Found /dev/usb4
usb_os_find_devices: Found /dev/ugen0 on /dev/usb0
usb_control_msg: 128 6 512 0 0xbfbfd204 8 1000
usb_control_msg: 128 6 512 0 0x8105910 34 1000

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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