Hi Richard,

> I am aware of 2 windows nut clients both interestingly called winnut.
> One (winnut 2.0.0b) is a service based client based on a port of the but
> client code (I think). The other is a GUI client based on (I think
> again) on  knutclient .
> I have corresponded with both authors about a feature request - to allow
> the shut-down action to be (optionally) a windows hibernate. This seems
> a very desirable feature for unattended shut-downs - and removes the
> risk of losing open files.
> The GUI client now supports this feature - but the service based client
> still doesn't. However - the service based client suits my architecture
> better. I want a nut client which just does the required hibernate with
> a minimum of interaction.
> Does anyone know of another way of achieving this result?

If you have some programming experience or know someone that have,
it would be possible to alter the code in winnut 2.0.0b to hibernate instead
of do a shutdown.
I had a look at the code, but I have no windows development environment and
no time to do it.


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