On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 9:58 PM, Brother Railgun of Reason
<ala...@caerllewys.net> wrote:
> I seem to have NUT all working with my R3000XR, except for the CGIs.
> The webserver's all properly configured and upsstats.cgi *runs*, but
> doesn't yield any useful output - no values are displayed, every value
> is replaced by [error: Invalid argument].  Apache is not logging any
> resulting errors, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of useful
> documentation on the CGIs to troubleshoot with.

Are you still seeing this issue?

If you can use 'upsc' to query the UPS from your webserver, then it
might be a configuration issue. In particular, you will be interested
in the man page for hosts.conf.

- Charles Lepple

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