On Mon, 2009-12-28 at 22:02 +0100, Arjen de Korte wrote:

> This is trivial to script. Create an empty file somewhere your  
> CMDSCRIPT has write access to when the 'linedown' timer elapses (ie,  
> when you send the warning mail). In your 'lineup' event check for the  
> presence of this file. If it is there, you need to send a message that  
> the power is back and remove the file. You can improve this above, by  
> also checking the age of the file (to prevent triggering on stale  
> files that are accidentally left behind).


Thanks for the ideas! Please find my implementation attached. Hopefully
it will be of use to someone... at least now it's googleable :-)
Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev

Attachment: ups-notifier
Description: application/shellscript

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