Citeren David Varley <>:

As far as setting the shutdown command in a script run when hibernating, I
did this. I created a script, 48nut, in /etc/pm/sleep.d, as follows:

# If we are hibernating due to power-fail, initiate a delayed UPS shutdown
and then stop the nut services
# If we are thawing after this event, start the nut service
# DAV 17DEC10

   if (test -f /etc/killpower)
        case "$1" in
                        echo "Initiating UPS Powerdown Sequence"
                        /sbin/upsdrvctl shutdown
                        echo "Stopping nut service"
                        service nut stop

This won't work. In order to send a poweroff command to the UPS, the drivers must be restarted from scratch. Therefor you must run 'service nut stop' before doing that, otherwise the backgrounded drivers will not have exited.

It also is a good idea to put a 'sleep 2' between the two commands, to give the drivers some time to respond to the KILL signal they receive:

    echo "Stopping nut service"
    service nut stop
    sleep 2
    echo "Initiating UPS Powerdown Sequence"
    /sbin/upsdrvctl shutdown

Best regards, Arjen
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