Citeren Garðar Arnarsson <>:

I have defined the user in the /etc/ups/upsd.users

 74 [gardar]
 75         password = hidden
 76         allowfrom = local
 77         actions = SET
 78         instcmds = ALL
 79 [local_mon]
 80         password = hidden
 81         allowfrom = localhost
 82         upsmon master

Device and driver info:

device.mfr: Inform
device.model: SINUS1KURM
device.type: ups blazer_ser
driver.version: 2.6.0
driver.version.internal: 1.51

What am I doing wrong?

Did you check your syslog lately? The 'allowfrom' keyword is no longer used (since a couple of versions actually) and has been replaced by tcp-wrappers, which most likely is compiled in the version you're using. If there is a blanket 'deny all' in /etc/hosts.allow, this requires you to setup access permissions through /etc/hosts.allow. See the UPGRADING document, 'man 8 upsd' and 'man 5 hosts_access'. Adding something like

    upsd : garder@localhost : ALLOW

should work.

Best regards, Arjen
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