Le 23/06/2011 11:44, Raphaël a écrit :
Hello I'm new on this list, nice to meet you

My configuration :

OS : Ubuntu server 10.04.1 LTS
NUT : nut 2.4.3-1ubuntu3.1 from Ubuntu package
UPS : APC Back-UPS ES 530

My problem :
When restarting twice nut in the same time. I can see 2 instance of /lib/nut/usbhid-ups driver when using : ps aux | grep usbhid-ups

I know that's not normal to restart nut twice at the same moment but it can occurs on my system.

When reading /etc/init.d/nut, i see that when restarting nut, script stop nut and start it again. When starting again the driver is one more time started without any verification that its already launched.

I think there is a problem in code there. have you a solution to bypass this problem without rewriting /etc/init.d/nut


Excuse me, maybe im on the wrong list. I will try to post on dev list.


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