On 10/19/2011 03:40 PM, Christian Convey wrote:
Thanks for the ideas.

You're right - I *am* looking for total energy expenditure (Joules,
Watt-hours, etc.)  I have no specific desire to do that integration in
my own code.

As far as sampling frequency, here's the deal:  I'm working on a
system to estimate the power draw associated with a run (or set of
runs) of an arbitrary program on my Linux computer.  Some of the
program runs will be brief, but I'm not sure how brief we're talking.
I'm no statistics expert, but I believe my power-draw estimates will
get pretty inaccurate unless the sampling rate is markedly higher than
the program's running time.  I *can* limit my studies to programs that
run for a long time (so as to reduce the relative error stemming from
a slow-sampling power meter), but that would put an unwelcome
limitation on my research.
mind the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem

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