Hi Arnaud,

On 13/08/12 18:09, Arnaud Quette wrote:
Hey Massimo and Greg,

2012/8/12 Massimo Gais <massimo.g...@iki.fi <mailto:massimo.g...@iki.fi>>

    On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 5:11 AM, Greg Vickers
    <daehe...@iinet.net.au <mailto:daehe...@iinet.net.au>> wrote:

        I have not yet gotten rid of it, so thank you very much!  It's
        a case of download, extract, apply patch, and compile on my
        RPi, correct?

    Hello Greg,
    yes you can compile it directly on the RPI. See anyway that if you
    have the old deb package installed and you want to replace only
    the recompiled driver, you may have some mismatch with the
    pidpath/statepath directories (/var/state/ups vs /var/run/nut). I
    tried to make a debian package on the RPi, but it was requiring to
    install all the documentation tools, and I did not have enough SD
    disk space for that.

I have finally gotten around to compiling nut with the patch! It was on my list of things to do :)
use the following configuration line to get back inline with deb directives:

./configure --prefix= --includedir=/usr/include --mandir=/usr/share/man --sysconfdir=/etc/nut --localstatedir=/var --without-ssl --with-cgi --with-dev --enable-static --with-statepath=/var/run/nut --with-altpidpath=/var/run/nut --with-drvpath=/lib/nut --with-cgipath=/usr/lib/cgi-bin/nut --with-htmlpath=/usr/share/nut/www --with-pidpath=/var/run/nut --datadir=/usr/share/nut --with-pkgconfig-dir=/usr/lib/pkgconfig --with-user=nut --with-group=nut --with-udev-dir=/lib/udev --without-doc
I saw that 'compile usb drivers = no' was set, and added --with-usb to get bcmxcp_usb to compile.
you may also want to disable a few more things, like CGI, by using "--without-cgi" for example...
this will lower the dependencies barrier.
The only packages I had to add were 'libgd2-xmp-dev' and 'libusb-dev'.

I've just tested it and it work great! Thanks very much :) The only thing plugged into this UPS is the power supply for the RaspberryPi - nut reports the load as 0.0% :) I'm going to also plug in the 5-port switch and ADSL modem/router, I expect to be online for some time when there is a local power failure :D

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