2012/10/1 Sergey Talchuk <tals1...@gmail.com>

> Hi Arnaud,

Hi Sergey,

> Please find the file attached.

thanks. I realized that I made a typo error in the 2nd command (the "d" was
missing at the end of "disable*d*")
Thus the value of "disabled" was not resolved to "2".
I also forgotten to explicitly ask for the beeper behavior, after each
execution of upscmd.
So, can you please try again both and tell me if the beeper still beeping?

# upscmd -u {NUT_USER} -p {NUT_PASSWORD} powercom beeper.toggle 2
# upscmd -u {NUT_USER} -p {NUT_PASSWORD} powercom beeper.toggle disabled

I'm only interested in the ack and the (compressed) trace of the 2nd (=>
disabled)  to see the value resolution.

In a 2nd time, I'd like to also add enumerated value to this instant
Will you be able to compile and test the latest NUT development version?

Linux / Unix / Opensource Engineering Expert - Eaton -
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org
Debian Developer - http://www.debian.org
Free Software Developer - http://arnaud.quette.fr

> On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 12:02 PM, Arnaud Quette <aquette....@gmail.com>wrote:
>> 2012/9/24 Sergey Talchuk <tals1...@gmail.com>
>>> Hi Arnaud!
>> Hi Sergey,
>> Thanks for you reply.
>>> Please find the file attached.
>> I forgot to ask you to compress the output before sending it to the list
>> (we have a 40Kb limit).
>> Could you please do the following tests:
>> # upscmd -u {NUT_USER} -p {NUT_PASSWORD} powercom beeper.toggle 2
>> # upscmd -u {NUT_USER} -p {NUT_PASSWORD} powercom beeper.toggle disable
>> check the beeper.status and send me back the *compressed* output.
>> Depending on your feedback, I should be able to address this
>> programmatically.
>> cheers,
>> Arnaud
>> --
>> Linux / Unix / Opensource Engineering Expert - Eaton -
>> http://opensource.eaton.com
>> Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org
>> Debian Developer - http://www.debian.org
>> Free Software Developer - http://arnaud.quette.fr
>>> On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 9:39 PM, Arnaud Quette <aquette....@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> 2012/9/19 Sergey Talchuk <tals1...@gmail.com>
>>>>> Hi Arnaud!
>>>> Hi Sergey
>>>> Powercom Imperial IMP-525AP seems to be fully compatible with NUT.
>>>>> Unfortunately, I can not disable beeper.
>>>>> upscmd -u {NUT_USER} -p {NUT_PASSWORD} powercom beeper.toggle
>>>>> returns *OK*, however, ups.beeper.status=enabled
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Sergey
>>>>> ==========
>>>>> Additional info:
>>>>> 1)
>>>>> $ upsc powercom
>>>>> battery.charge: 100
>>>>> battery.charge.low: 10
>>>>> battery.charge.warning: 30
>>>>> battery.date: 2010/01/01
>>>>> battery.runtime: 2432
>>>>> battery.type: PbAc
>>>>> device.mfr: POWERCOM Co.,LTD
>>>>> device.model:   UPS  IMP--525AP FW3.A2
>>>>> device.serial: 3A2-0000-0001
>>>>> device.type: ups
>>>>> driver.name: usbhid-ups
>>>>> driver.parameter.pollfreq: 30
>>>>> driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
>>>>> driver.parameter.port: auto
>>>>> driver.version: 2.6.5
>>>>> driver.version.data: PowerCOM HID 0.3
>>>>> driver.version.internal: 0.37
>>>>> input.frequency: 50.0
>>>>> input.voltage: 230.0
>>>>> input.voltage.nominal: 220
>>>>> output.frequency: 50.0
>>>>> output.voltage: 230.0
>>>>> output.voltage.nominal: 220
>>>>> ups.beeper.status: enabled
>>>>> ups.date: 2010/01/01
>>>>> ups.load: 0
>>>>> ups.mfr: POWERCOM Co.,LTD
>>>>> ups.model:   UPS  IMP--525AP FW3.A2
>>>>> ups.productid: 00a2
>>>>> ups.serial: 3A2-0000-0001
>>>>> ups.status: OL
>>>>> ups.test.result: Done and passed
>>>>> ups.vendorid: 0d9f
>>>>> 2)
>>>>> $ upscmd -l powercom
>>>>> Instant commands supported on UPS [powercom]:
>>>>> beeper.toggle - Toggle the UPS beeper
>>>>> test.battery.start.quick - Start a quick battery test
>>>>> 3)
>>>>> $ upscmd -u {NUT_USER} -p {NUT_PASSWORD} powercom beeper.toggle
>>>>> OK
>>>>> 4)
>>>>> $ upsc powercom | grep 'beeper'
>>>>> ups.beeper.status: enabled
>>>> can you please:
>>>> - restart the driver in debug mode (level 5) using:
>>>> # upsdrvctl stop powercom && /path/to/usbhid-ups -DDDDD -a powercom
>>>> - in a separate console, send your upscmd, as in the above step (3)
>>>> - send the driver trace excerpt, including at least 10 seconds of
>>>> traces after executing the command.
>>>> cheers,
>>>> Arnaud
>>>> --
>>>> NUT Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org
>>>> Debian Developer - http://www.debian.org
>>>> Free Software Developer - http://arnaud.quette.fr
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