On Dec 7, 2012, at 5:49 PM, Will Marler wrote:

> Hey all,
> We're looking at XPCC UPS's and realized they're not listed on the NUT HCL. 
> However, in my experience a lot of manufacturers use technology that is 
> bought/licensed from someone else. So a driver for "XPCC" might not exist, 
> but the XPCC brand might actually use a driver of a different name. The last 
> mention in the list archives of "XPCC" is several years old, 
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut-upsuser/2009-December/005761.html
>  and suggests that the driver may exist and be named "powercom."
> Does anyone have any knowledge in this area?

Hopefully we will get a response from a NUT/XPCC user. In the mean time...

I would contact the company and ask for information on the protocol for the 
model you are considering. It is certainly possible that it is powercom, or it 
might be Megatec (see the blazer_usb/blazer_ser drivers in NUT) given that 
there is a link to Megatec's home page on the XPCC driver download page. 
However, this might vary between models.

If you do get in touch with someone at XPCC, feel free to point them to the 
nut-upsdev list. Due to time constraints, the NUT project tends not to reach 
out to UPS vendors first - most of us maintain drivers for the equipment we 
currently use, and additional UPSes around the house tend to clutter up the 
place :-) But we're happy to help, if the company can provide information 
without an NDA.

Charles Lepple

Nut-upsuser mailing list

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