Kris Jordan wrote, On 1/20/2013 3:47 PM:
Windows 7 Pro x64
NUT 2.6.5-4
APC RS 1200 (BR1200) and also RS 500 (BR500)

Two PC's which are routinely put to sleep is giving usbhid-ups headaches. From the Event log...

I've done further tests...

It would appear that only APC UPS's cause the driver to crash on system wake. I also tested a APC ES 725 and got the same crash.

An Eaton 3S 550, despite still getting the libusb_get_interrupt error, does not crash usbhid-ups and reestablishes communications fine.

I downgrade to 2.6.5-3, but the usbhid-ups driver crash persisted. I made sure to clean all drivers off (pnputil -e, etc) before I downgraded.

I will attempt to get driver debug output between the ES and the 3S.

My current workaround is an event based task that restarts the nut service when the system wakes.

Feature idea, have the nut master service restart crashed sub-processes (driver, upsmon, upsd). You would also want to limit how often this can happen in case a process will simply not start for some reason.

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