Ben Kamen wrote, On 2/28/2013 10:08 AM:
On 2013-02-28 11:55 AM, Kris Jordan wrote:
Vieri wrote, On 2/28/2013 9:41 AM:
--- On Thu, 2/28/13, Manuel Wolfshant <> wrote:

Will the value be updated automatically by the APC ups firmware when I change the battery or will I need to set it manually? I'm asking because I'm not sure if the current battery was really installed at the time indicated by this field.

Where APC has provided a value for battery mfg date, it has always been the same as the UPS mfg date. The value isn't automatically updated and NUT doesn't (from what I've seen) provide a way to update it manually.

The Nut Gnome client does allow updating the battery changeout value.

the field in question is:

I've only seen it as a read-only value (not in upsrw). Have you tried changing it in that client?

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