I found an error in my script upssched-cmd
and message "returned 2" disappeared

Le 13/03/2013 22:36, Arnaud Quette a écrit :

2013/3/13 Sabine GOUDARD <sabine.goud...@st-etienne.archi.fr <mailto:sabine.goud...@st-etienne.archi.fr>>


Hello Sabine

    I almost managed to make everything work
    my server isn't in prodution because i had some problem on others
    but last week i come back and i run an update on ubuntu 12.04.1 to
    I don't known if its' the reaseon or if someone has change
    something but
    scripts no longer work
    I have a message "returned 2"

could you please point the script or send the faulty command?
the more details, the better...

-- arno

    Can you help me because I don't find how to solve this
    Best regards

    ----------------message d'origine-----------------
    De: "Sabine GOUDARD" <sabine.goud...@st-etienne.archi.fr
    A: "Arnaud Quette" <aquette....@gmail.com
    Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2013 08:46:19 +0100

    Hello Arnaud
    I almost managed to make everything work
    my server isn't in prodution because i had some problem on others
    but last week i come back and i run an update on ubuntu 12.04.1
    to 12.04.2
    I don't known if its' the reaseon or if someone has change
    something but
    scripts no longer work
    I have a message "returned 2"
    Can you help me because I don't find how to solve this
    Best regards
    Le 13/12/2012 00:15, Arnaud Quette a écrit :

    2012/12/12 Sabine GOUDARD <sabine.goud...@st-etienne.archi.fr


    Hello Sabine,

        I have a EATON 5PX with a Network Management Card
        on ubuntu 12.04

        I established a shutdown procedure like described in
        rogerprice.org <http://rogerprice.org>
        It works

        I have an event mail on "onbatt" then another on
        "onbattdelay1" then the "upsmon -c fsd" order on "onbattedelay2"

        When "onbattdelay2" is finished, my server execute "auto
        logout and shutdown proceeding"
        then my ups shutdown too but when ?

    please read the section Limitation in snmp-ups:

    though the 2 first sentences are not true anymore (I've
    implemented snmp-ups shutdown in 2.6.4), the last one is still
    very true!
    the best for you is to send an "upscmd ... shutdown.return",
    before "upsmon -c fsd" on onbattedelay2

        My second question is
        I don't find the "battery.charge.low" parameter on this ups

    SNMP OID is not present with the "MGE" MIB.
    you can try "mib=" with "pw" or "ietf" in your ups.conf, and
    check which one provide the more data...

        my third question
        When electric power come back, ups restart, my server restart
        but the driver isn't connceted
        I have this message :"Can't connect to UPS (snmp-ups-MYUPS)
        : no such file or directory
        If I restart nut service, it's ok
        What can I do to avoid this problem ?

    I don't recall the exact init script in 12.04, but
    /etc/init.d/nut-server should have a "Required-Start: ...
    $network ..."
    this implies "low level networking (ethernet card; may imply
    PCMCIA running)"
    but I can't guarantee that you SNMP agent is already reachable.
    you can delay (or wait for agent availability) in various manners.
    the more simple is probably to decrease NUT startup priority...

        and finally, last question
        When electric power come back, ups is started, my server is
        how can I execute for example a "wake on lan" or a "reboot"
        for some computer which isn't connect on the ups

    again, various manners, and not especially tied to nut.
    I would recommend  calling wakeonlan or whatever "ssh ...
    command" in /etc/rc.local

    NUT (Network UPS Tools) Project Leader -
    Debian Developer - http://www.debian.org
    Free Software Developer - http://arnaud.quette.fr


    **Sabine Goudard*
    Service Informatique et Multimédia
    Tél : 04 77 42 37 20

    *Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Saint-Étienne*
    1, rue Buisson BP 94
    42003 Saint-Étienne Cedex 1
    Tél. : 04 77 42 35 42
    Fax : 04 77 42 35 40

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