On 03/25/2013 03:08 AM, Douglas Parsons wrote:


My NUT skills are rusty so I may need correcting, list feel free to
enlighten me.

Last I recall there are two main triggers for shutdown, LB (low
battery) from the "status" variable or a timer that begins when the
"status" varible goes from OL (on line) to OB (on battery). In your
case I would think the timer is the way to go. Now with that said I
also recall that at least on some UPS units you can adjust the LB
point. If yours is one of these you can increase the LB setting and
thus give yourself more time before the battery dies.

Like I said it has been a while since I have been in the docs so there
may be a better method but I am sure there is a solution of some type.


Thanks for the help. I'm not sure I can change much about this UPS. When I run "upsrw" for it here is all I get back:

Interval to wait after shutdown with delay command (seconds)
Value: 64

There is nothing apparently settable about its LB point via the driver. BTW -- What do you think "ups.delay.shutdown" means?

I hate to say it, but I guess I'll just have to pull the plug and see what happens....

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