On Apr 3, 2013, at 1:05 AM, Michail Pappas wrote:

> Thank you Charles, that is what I was looking for. One more question. Do you 
> what is the difference between an override.* and a default.* configuration. 
> Say,  default.battery.voltage.nominal and override.battery.voltage.nominal?
> Although the (for example) blazer man page shows that these directives do the 
> same thing, in main.c there seems to be some difference:
> 140/* cram var [= <val>] data into storage */
> 141static void storeval(const char *var, char *val)
> 142{
> 143   vartab_t        *tmp, *last;
> 144
> 145   if (!strncasecmp(var, "override.", 9)) {
> 146           dstate_setinfo(var+9, "%s", val);
> 147           dstate_setflags(var+9, ST_FLAG_IMMUTABLE);
> 148           return;
> 149   }
> 150
> 151   if (!strncasecmp(var, "default.", 8)) {
> 152           dstate_setinfo(var+8, "%s", val);
> 153           return;
> 154   }

ST_FLAG_IMMUTABLE means that the variable can't be changed later by the driver 
or upsrw.

>> Unfortunately, I am not familiar with the rest of the driver - perhaps 
>> someone else can comment on recommended values.
> I also hope so :)

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Charles Lepple

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