On Apr 5, 2013, at 11:08 PM, Randy Philipp wrote:

> I am currently running FreeNAS-8.3.1-RELEASE-x64 (r13452) using the packaged 
> version of NUT, 2.6.5, using the usbhid-ups (Generic HID driver 0.37).  Here 
> is the output of "/usr/local/libexec/nut/usbhid-ups -D -D -D -D -D -D -a 
> tripplite":
> Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.37 (2.6.5)
> USB communication driver 0.31
>   0.000000    send_to_all: SETINFO driver.parameter.port "auto"
>   0.000027    send_to_all: SETINFO driver.parameter.productid "3016"
>   0.000044    debug level is '6'
>   0.000510    upsdrv_initups...
>   0.000884    Checking device (09AE/3016) (/dev/usb//dev/ugen1.3)


were you ever able to get this working?

One thing I didn't think of at the time is checking the permissions on 
/dev/ugen*. The dev nodes should be writable by the uucp user (which is the 
default system user for NUT on *BSD).

Charles Lepple

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