On Jan 9, 2014, at 4:00 PM, Lonnie Abelbeck wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to better understand the merits of NUT clients (slaves) properly 
> authenticating with the NUT server (master).
> NUT allows clients to retrieve UPS status (upsc ups@ without 
> authenticating, shutdowns are properly trigger via polling.
> From testing one apparent benefit of authenticating is the client receives 
> the shutdown event more quickly rather than the polling interval. (it seems)

upsmon polls upsd at the pollfreq (and pollfreqalert) rates. upsd gets its 
status from the driver at a different polling rate, which is explained here:


If you are comparing upsmon (authenticating to upsd) and writing a loop around 
upsc (not authenticating), then for equivalent polling periods, there is no 
difference in how quickly the shutdown event gets delivered. Authentication 
does not affect the behavior: in NUT, status is pulled from upsd, not pushed.

Here's the loop in upsmon that polls upsd:


> Are there other merits of authenticating clients ?

I honestly don't know. Having not written the original code, I see 
authentication for slave mode as something that is easier to leave in than take 
out, given that authentication is a little more relevant for the master 

Also, as you point out below, it does limit the mischief a bit.

> On the flip side, since commercial products like NAS drive implementations 
> use fixed, well known user/pass credentials, all clients would need to be 
> configured with such well known credentials if they were all to authenticate 
> with a common user.

Why do they need well-known credentials?

I will point out that some of this is rhetorical - the NUT security model was 
designed over a decade ago, when different assertions could be made about the 
security of the physical network, and the trust relationships between the 
servers running upsmon and upsd.

The only time I would recommend well-known credentials is when strict 
certificate checking is being done over SSL/TLS. At that point, there is no 
need to worry about credential spoofing if the client cannot even connect 
without a valid certificate.

> The NUT /etc/ups/upsd.users file has only one entry:
> --
> [monuser]
> password = superdupersecret
> upsmon master
> --
> Is this a security issue if the password is well known ?  Searching the 
> mailing list I only found the comment: "All a upsmon slave can do, is delay 
> shutting down for a handful of seconds." ... seems like limited mischief.

If you have "upsmon slave", I would agree with the "limited mischief" comment. 
The entry above says "upsmon master", which allows setting "fsd". This fools 
other clients into thinking that the UPS has been commanded to shut down, and 
if the clients are running upsmon, they too will shut down.

Charles Lepple

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