> On February 14, 2014 11:22:22 PM CST, Greg Vickers <daehe...@iinet.net.au> 
> wrote:
>> I ran the new driver (see below) and with -DDDD it throws out tons of 
>> never ending information, what am I looking for? :)

On Feb 15, 2014, at 2:57 AM, Tim Dawson wrote:

> The driver will poll the UPS for what variables it supports when it starts, 
> and then go into a polling loop. Look for a section defining the meter map, 
> and you should see the result, as well as the raw data.

Tim: spot on.


If you want, you can capture the -DDDD output to a file (until it starts 
looping), gzip it, and post it to the list. I'm still getting up to speed on 
the BCM/XCP protocol, but the meter map dump should have a few values we can 
look up in the protocol spec.

Please excuse the mess; we're in the process of converting the protocol library 
over to the same format as the rest of the website for ease of maintenance:


> On 13/02/14 15:55, Alf Høgemark wrote:
>> Hi
>> On
>> http://nutwiki.kanonbra.com/wiki/Category:Eaton_Powerware_5110
>> you can see what is reported. The unreleased part refers to v2.7.1, which is 
>> now released.
> OK, from that table, should the nut cgi be showing the Battery, UPS Temp and 
> Battery Runtime values? Sorry, I don't know how these values are translated 
> into what is shown in the cgi displays.

>From that table, yes, I think so. From the upsc output you posted, no. This 
>mismatch is odd, because driver.version.internal is 0.28 in both cases (this 
>is the version of the bcmxcp_usb driver, which generally gets incremented 
>after changes to that driver) and the firmware versions seem to match.

For reference, here's where the upsstats.cgi page gets its values:


There is also a template for the table of multiple UPSes, but the mapping 
between NUT variables and HTML table cells isn't as obvious.

Charles Lepple

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