2014-02-15 11:31 GMT+01:00 Greg Vickers <daehe...@iinet.net.au>:

>  On 15/02/14 19:56, Arnaud Quette wrote:
>    Dear NUT users,
>  The relationship with Eaton was in need of clarification for a long time,
> which happened over the past weeks.This is now officially noted on the NUT
> side, through moving Eaton from the "Main supporter" to "Supporting UPS
> manufacturer", rewording the content and putting a big warning [1].
> Quoting these main changes:
> "Eaton, has been the main NUT supporter in the past, between 2007 and
> 2011, continuing MGE UPS SYSTEMS efforts.
> ...
> The situation has evolved, and since 2011 Eaton does not support NUT
> anymore.
> This may still evolve in the future.
> But for now, please do not consider anymore that buying Eaton products
> will provide you with official support from Eaton, or a better level of
> device support in NUT."
>  Considering that I'm still an Eaton employee, this blurry situation was
> one of the main factors that kept me away from NUT for the past couple of
> years.
>  Not the only one, but I'm working on these points one after another.
> You can expect to see me slowly starting to bother you all again in a soon
> future ;)
> Aw, you never bothered :)

thanks, too kind Greg ;)

> Thanks for the clarification, I've been unaware of that particular
> situation.

not that many people were...

> You must be relieved that this situation is becoming a bit clearer, and
> hopefully gives you the ability to pursue what you want to do!

as told, I've still to work out other points (the NUT Foundation being #1
but it already freed me a bit of soul to relaunch a few things.

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