On Apr 2, 2014, at 9:52 AM, Daniele Borghesi wrote:

> Hello, I need help configuring my USB connected UPS "Emerson Power Liebert 
> PowerSure PSI 1440" to my freebsd machine, using NUT.
> here's the manufacturer's product page 
> http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/ACPower/Pages/LiebertPowerSurePSILineInteractiveUPS10003000VA.aspx
> I'm not a BSD expert, so please ask me for any information you need.

For starters, what version of FreeBSD and NUT are you trying this with?

Some versions will return information for all USB devices via "usbconfig 
dump_device_desc" run as root.

Or you can install the sysutils/usbutils port, and run lsusb (also as root) to 
be able to directly compare the output to a Linux system.

Charles Lepple

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