On Mon, 27 Apr 2015, James Hammond wrote:

Hi Roger, I get:
Apr 27 20:50:05 unifi upsmon[1022]: UPS ups on battery
Apr 27 20:50:05 unifi upssched[2688]: Timer daemon started
Apr 27 20:50:06 unifi upssched[2688]: New timer: onbatt (20 seconds)
Apr 27 20:50:26 unifi upssched[2688]: Event: onbatt
Apr 27 20:50:26 unifi upssched[2688]: exec_cmd(/sbin/upssched-cmd.sh onbatt) 
returned 126

Hi James, On opensuse, man exec says
 exec [command [argument ...]]
 ... If command is found, but it is not an executable utility,
     the exit status shall be 126.

Check the man exec on Ubuntu, but it looks like an owner/permissions problem. For me /sbin/upssched-cmd.sh should have permissions -rwxr--r-- and owner upsd:daemon .

Any help gratefully received as this has got me beat..... Most files have been chmod to 777 with no difference.

Please don't leave this 777 in place - it's too dangerous :-) Cheers, Roger

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