Try ALL:ALL in /etc/hosts.allow temporarily. If that still doesn't work, it's 
likely something else. If it does, only then screw with creating narrow rules . 
. .

- Tim

On November 25, 2016 6:37:02 AM CST, Roger Price <> wrote:
>On Fri, 25 Nov 2016, Jonah Naylor wrote:
>> upsd : ipaddressofclientgoeshere
>If it were me I would write
>  upsd : ipaddressofclient :\
>         spawn (/bin/mail -r hosts.allow@localhost\
>               -s '%s@%h accepted access to %d from %c'\
>                       sysadmin@somedomain) &          : ALLOW
>  upsd : ALL :\
>         spawn (/bin/mail -r hosts.allow@localhost\
>               -s '%s@%h refused access to %d from %c'\
>                       sysadmin@somedomain) &           : DENY
>so I get a trace of what happens, at least during testing.
>> ups : monuser@ monuser@masterstaticIP
>I'm not sure what you are trying to do here.  In any case, the 
>daemon_list should specify upsd, not ups. See man 5 hosts_access.
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