Works with nutdrv_qx ..YEAH :-)

Its a bit quirky to reply myself but maybe this can help someone.

I tried to find all distro's HID drivers:
#grep HID /lib/nut/*
Binary file /lib/nut/blazer_usb matches
Binary file /lib/nut/mge-shut matches
Binary file /lib/nut/nutdrv_qx matches
Binary file /lib/nut/oldmge-shut matches
Binary file /lib/nut/riello_usb matches
Binary file /lib/nut/tripplite_usb matches
Binary file /lib/nut/usbhid-ups matches

..and then tried nutdrv_qx
 driver = nutdrv_qx
 port = auto
 vendorid = 06da
 productid = 0005

#upsdrvctl start
Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.7.2
Network UPS Tools - Generic Q* USB/Serial driver 0.06 (2.7.2)
USB communication driver 0.32
Using protocol: Q1 0.02
Can't autodetect number of battery packs [-1/2.31]
Battery runtime will not be calculated (runtimecal not set)

 # UPS: PowerWalker VFI 2000 RT LCD
 driver = nutdrv_qx
 port = auto
 vendorid = 06da
 productid = 0005
 protocol = megatec
 pollfreq = 30
 override.battery.packs = 24
 runtimecal = 180,100,600,50

#/etc/init.d/nut-server stop
#/etc/init.d/nut-server start
# upsc ups
Init SSL without certificate database
battery.charge: 100
battery.packs: 24
battery.runtime: 1800
battery.voltage: 2.32
battery.voltage.high: 52.00
battery.voltage.low: 41.60
battery.voltage.nominal: 48.0
device.type: ups
driver.flag.novendor: enabled nutdrv_qx
driver.parameter.pollfreq: 30
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
driver.parameter.port: auto
driver.parameter.productid: 0005
driver.parameter.protocol: megatec
driver.parameter.runtimecal: 180,100,600,50
driver.parameter.vendorid: 06da
driver.version: 2.7.2 Megatec 0.01
driver.version.internal: 0.06
input.current.nominal: 8.0
input.frequency: 49.9
input.frequency.nominal: 50
input.voltage: 238.4
output.voltage: 229.9
ups.beeper.status: enabled
ups.delay.shutdown: 30
ups.delay.start: 180
ups.load: 8
ups.productid: 0005
ups.status: OL
ups.temperature: 20.0
ups.type: online
ups.vendorid: 06da


Krzysztof Pisarek, KLL


W dniu 2017-01-19 15:27, KP napisaƂ(a): 

> Hi all, 
> I have problem with UPS from PowerWalker model VFI 2000 RT LCD over USB 
> (didn't try serial yet). 
> UPS should work via HID driver but ups.status is not rendered properly.
> Specification of UPS says USB HID compatible. 
> HID driver is the only one which talks with UPS as i try a few from /lib/nut. 
> I use driver usbhid-ups (which communicate with ups), but subdriver resolving 
> is automatic (no subdriver param), as i read source code this driver uses usb 
> manufacture signature (vendorid/productid) to choose subdriver so there was 
> no chance to more tests, just few params (pollonly, pollfreq, maxreport). 
> But... Help needed ! 
> OS: Debian Jessie (Proxmox 4.3 distro)
> NUT: 2.7.2
> driver: usbhid-ups 
> #cat ups.conf
> [ups]
> driver = usbhid-ups
> port = auto
> vendorid = 06da
> productid = 0005
> pollonly
> pollfreq = 15 
> # lsusb
> Bus 001 Device 003: ID 06da:0005 Phoenixtec Power Co., Ltd
> [..cut..] 
> When UPS is Online:
> # upsc ups 
> Init SSL without certificate database
> device.mfr: PPC
> device.model: USB UPS
> device.type: ups
> driver.flag.pollonly: enabled
> usbhid-ups
> driver.parameter.pollfreq: 15
> driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
> driver.parameter.port: auto
> driver.parameter.productid: 0005
> driver.parameter.vendorid: 06da
> driver.version: 2.7.2
> Liebert HID 0.3
> driver.version.internal: 0.38
> ups.mfr: PPC
> ups.model: USB UPS
> ups.productid: 0005
> ups.status: OB
> ups.vendorid: 06da
> The ups.status is permanently OB, there is no change when UPS goes OL/OB. 
> Explore mode output below: 
> # /lib/nut/usbhid-ups -a ups -DDDDD
> Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.38 (2.7.2)
> USB communication driver 0.32
> 0.000000 debug level is '5'
> 0.000230 upsdrv_initups...
> 0.059356 Checking device (413C/2106) (002/003)
> [..cut..]
> 0.059565 Device does not match - skipping
> 0.059569 Checking device (06DA/0005) (001/003)
> 0.060812 - VendorID: 06da
> 0.060822 - ProductID: 0005
> 0.060826 - Manufacturer: PPC
> 0.060830 - Product: USB UPS
> 0.060833 - Serial Number: unknown
> 0.060837 - Bus: 001
> 0.060841 Trying to match device
> 0.060869 Device matches
> 0.061313 HID descriptor, method 1: (9 bytes) => 09 21 11 01 00 01 22 1b 00
> 0.061317 i=0, extra[i]=09, extra[i+1]=21
> 0.061319 HID descriptor, method 2: (9 bytes) => 09 21 11 01 00 01 22 1b 00
> 0.061321 HID descriptor length 27
> 0.061693 Report Descriptor size = 27
> 0.061698 Report Descriptor: (27 bytes) => 06 a0 ff 09 04 a1 01 09 06 15 00 26 
> ff 00
> 0.061721 75 08 95 08 81 82 09 07 95 40 91 82 c0
> 0.061781 Using subdriver: EXPLORE HID 0.1
> 0.061785 Entering libusb_get_report
> 0.061939 Can't retrieve Report 00: Broken pipe
> 0.061944 hid_lookup_path: ffa00004 -> not found in lookup table
> 0.061954 hid_lookup_path: ffa00006 -> not found in lookup table
> 0.061962 Path: ffa00004.ffa00006, Type: Input, ReportID: 0x00, Offset: 0, 
> Size: 8
> 0.061965 Entering libusb_get_report
> 0.062310 Can't retrieve Report 00: Broken pipe
> 0.062314 hid_lookup_path: ffa00004 -> not found in lookup table
> 0.062316 hid_lookup_path: ffa00007 -> not found in lookup table
> 0.062318 Path: ffa00004.ffa00007, Type: Output, ReportID: 0x00, Offset: 0, 
> Size: 8
> 0.062339 send_to_all: SETINFO ups.mfr "PPC"
> 0.062345 send_to_all: SETINFO ups.model "USB UPS "
> 0.062348 send_to_all: SETINFO ups.vendorid "06da"
> 0.062368 send_to_all: SETINFO ups.productid "0005"
> 0.062370 Report descriptor retrieved (Reportlen = 27)
> 0.062373 Found HID device
> 0.062376 Detected a UPS: PPC/USB UPS
> 0.062379 find_nut_info: unknown info type:
> 0.062381 find_nut_info: unknown info type: load.on.delay
> 0.062385 find_nut_info: unknown info type:
> 0.062407 send_to_all: SETINFO device.type "ups"
> 0.062411 send_to_all: SETINFO driver.version "2.7.2"
> 0.062415 send_to_all: SETINFO driver.version.internal "0.38"
> 0.062443 send_to_all: SETINFO "usbhid-ups"
> 0.062446 upsdrv_initinfo...
> 0.062450 send_to_all: SETINFO "EXPLORE HID 0.1"
> 0.062458 upsdrv_updateinfo...
> 0.062461 Not using interrupt pipe...
> 0.062465 Quick update...
> 0.062469 send_to_all: SETINFO ups.status "OB"
> 0.062472 send_to_all: DATAOK
> 0.062497 dstate_init: sock /var/run/nut/usbhid-ups-ups open on fd 5
> 0.062501 send_to_all: SETINFO driver.parameter.pollinterval "2"
> 0.062505 send_to_all: SETINFO device.mfr "PPC"
> 0.062509 send_to_all: SETINFO device.model "USB UPS "
> 0.062513 upsdrv_updateinfo...
> 0.062516 Not using interrupt pipe...
> 0.062518 Quick update...
> 0.228313 new connection on fd 6
> 0.228325 send_to_one: SETINFO device.mfr "PPC"
> 0.228347 send_to_one: SETINFO device.model "USB UPS "
> 0.228350 send_to_one: SETINFO device.type "ups"
> 0.228354 send_to_one: SETINFO driver.flag.explore "enabled"
> 0.228375 send_to_one: SETINFO driver.flag.pollonly "enabled"
> 0.228380 send_to_one: SETINFO "usbhid-ups"
> 0.228385 send_to_one: SETINFO driver.parameter.pollfreq "15"
> 0.228404 send_to_one: SETINFO driver.parameter.pollinterval "2"
> 0.228408 send_to_one: SETINFO driver.parameter.port "auto"
> 0.228413 send_to_one: SETINFO driver.parameter.productid "0005"
> 0.228434 send_to_one: SETINFO driver.parameter.vendorid "06da"
> 0.228439 send_to_one: SETINFO driver.version "2.7.2"
> 0.228444 send_to_one: SETINFO "EXPLORE HID 0.1"
> 0.228447 send_to_one: SETINFO driver.version.internal "0.38"
> 0.228458 send_to_one: SETINFO ups.mfr "PPC"
> 0.228466 send_to_one: SETINFO ups.model "USB UPS "
> 0.228473 send_to_one: SETINFO ups.productid "0005"
> 0.228481 send_to_one: SETINFO ups.status "OB"
> 0.228484 send_to_one: SETINFO ups.vendorid "06da"
> 0.228490 send_to_one: DATAOK
> 0.228494 send_to_one: DUMPDONE
> 2.064395 upsdrv_updateinfo...
> 2.064412 Not using interrupt pipe...
> 2.064417 Quick update...
> 4.066426 upsdrv_updateinfo...
> 4.066433 Not using interrupt pipe...
> 4.066435 Quick update...
> 6.068457 upsdrv_updateinfo...
> 6.068464 Not using interrupt pipe...
> 6.068466 Quick update...
> 8.070504 upsdrv_updateinfo...
> 8.070522 Not using interrupt pipe...
> 8.070527 Quick update...
> 10.072535 upsdrv_updateinfo...
> 10.072543 Not using interrupt pipe...
> 10.072545 Quick update...
> [...]
> Explore mode off: 
> # upsdrvctl start
> Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.7.2
> Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.38 (2.7.2)
> USB communication driver 0.32
> Using subdriver: Liebert HID 0.3 
> Is there chance to try other subdriver then Liebert or make it work properly 
> with this UPS? 
> -- 
> Pozdrawiam/Regards
> Krzysztof Pisarek, KLL
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