Charles and Manuel,

Thanks for the help.

Charles pointer to the IP address that was 'not listening' gave me the hint. I 
had assigned the listening interface to the crossover cable connected network 
cards link between the two nodes. I changed it to the switch connected network 
cards and bingo. 

The lack of power in the other node was telling the surviving node on reboot 
that the crossover connected network card was dead, hence no NUT.

Both nodes still go down on pulling one plug, but the mains connected node 
comes back up with services working. And when I restart the other node, they 
still try to shoot (fence) each other. But that's fine, someone will be there 
checking why only one UPS has died. That's enough high availability for this 

Hope this configuration is useful to someone else.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nut-upsuser 
[] On 
Behalf Of Manuel Wolfshant
Sent: Tuesday, 14 February 2017 1:53 AM
To: nut-upsuser Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Nut-upsuser] NUT configuration complicated by Stonith/Fencing 

On 02/13/2017 04:39 PM, Charles Lepple wrote:
> On Feb 13, 2017, at 8:08 AM, Tim Richards <> wrote:
>> Feb 13 23:11:42 systemd[1] Starting LSB: UPS monitoring software 
>> (deprecated, remote/local)...
>> Feb 13 23:11:43 usbhid-ups[2093] Startup successful Feb 13 23:11:43 
>> upsd[1 932] Starting NUT UPS drivers ..done Feb 13 23:11:43 upsd[21 
>> 04] not listening on port 3.493 Feb 13 23:11:43 upsd[21 
>> 04] listening on ::1 port 3493 Feb 13 23:11:43 upsd[2104] listening 
>> on port 3493 Feb 1323:11:43 upsd[21041 no listening 
>> interface available
> It looks like you have a "LISTEN" line in upsd.conf (in 
> addition to the ones for the IPv4/IPv6 loopback addresses). This worked fine 
> back when the init system actually finished bringing up all of the network 
> interfaces before attempting to start NUT. However, it seems that when moving 
> to systemd, many distributions are depending on some generic multi-user 
> target, rather than the completion of the networking setup. The log message 
> "not listening on" indicates that upsd tried and failed to bind to that 
> listening address.
> I made a note to document this: 
> I don't have a scratch system running systemd, so I don't have any 
> recommendations on adjusting the dependencies (to wait until 
> networking is really up). There have been some related discussions on 
> other GitHub issues and pull requests: 

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