Hi all, I'trying to fetch some million of pages,but I've got some
performance problems.
I'm using a P4 1700, 768MB ram, and a 10Mb connection.
I've changed theese configuration values in nuke-sites.xml:








and I've also added the following line into bin/nutch:

It seems a good configuration. So, I give the fetch command, I get theese log 

050926 181531 status: segment 20050924151836, 100 pages, 11 errors, 1277608 
bytes, 11755 ms
050926 181531 status: 8.507018 pages/s, 849.11206 kb/s, 12776.08 bytes/page
050926 181537 status: segment 20050924151836, 200 pages, 17 errors, 2620277 
bytes, 18157 ms
050926 181537 status: 11.015036 pages/s, 1127.4392 kb/s, 13101.385 bytes/page
050926 181548 status: segment 20050924151836, 300 pages, 26 errors, 4243689 
bytes, 28657 ms
050926 181548 status: 10.468647 pages/s, 1156.9187 kb/s, 14145.63 bytes/page
050926 181557 status: segment 20050924151836, 400 pages, 32 errors, 5515098 
bytes, 38102 ms
050926 181557 status: 10.4981365 pages/s, 1130.8252 kb/s, 13787.745 bytes/page
050926 181607 status: segment 20050924151836, 500 pages, 44 errors, 6678319 
bytes, 48464 ms
050926 181607 status: 10.3169365 pages/s, 1076.5592 kb/s, 13356.638 bytes/page

but,after some thousand of pages, rates decrease constantly:

050926 180746 status: segment 20050924151836, 6400 pages, 566 errors,85809551 
bytes, 853401 ms
050926 180746 status: 7.4994054 pages/s, 785.5476 kb/s, 13407.742 bytes/page
050926 180807 status: segment 20050924151836, 6500 pages, 581 errors,87133135 
bytes, 874799 ms
050926 180807 status: 7.4302783 pages/s, 778.1532 kb/s, 13405.098 bytes/page
050926 180823 status: segment 20050924151836, 6600 pages, 589 errors, 88789053 
bytes, 890686 ms
050926 180823 status: 7.410019 pages/s, 778.79803 kb/s, 13452.888 bytes/page
050926 180841 status: segment 20050924151836, 6700 pages, 594 errors, 90286731 
bytes, 908720 ms
050926 180841 status: 7.3730083 pages/s, 776.21826 kb/s, 13475.631 bytes/page
050926 180901 status: segment 20050924151836, 6800 pages, 601 errors, 91663461 
bytes, 928498 ms
050926 180901 status: 7.323656 pages/s, 771.268 kb/s, 13479.921 bytes/page
050926 181014 status: segment 20050924151836, 7200 pages, 627 errors,96922711 
bytes, 1001732 ms
050926 181014 status: 7.187551 pages/s, 755.8995 kb/s, 13461.487 bytes/page
050926 181037 status: segment 20050924151836, 7300 pages, 637 errors, 98478215 
bytes, 1024844 ms
050926 181037 status: 7.1230354 pages/s, 750.7104 kb/s, 13490.167 bytes/page

and I cannot understand how to get a fixed 10pages/s rate (or even a higher 
one!!). I've read this pages
and it states that is possible, with 25 fetchers, to download (more or less) at 
4Mbit per second,
with hardware similar to mine.
So, how can I set up nutch to fetch at a higher rate??

Thank you so much!!!!!

                      Free Software Enthusiast
                 Debian Powered Linux User #332564 

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