Doug Cutting wrote:

Andrzej Bialecki wrote:

Using the original index, it was possible for pages with high tf/idf of a term, but with a low "boost" value (the OPIC score), to outrank pages with high "boost" but lower tf/idf of a term. This phenomenon leads quite often to results that are perceived as "junk", e.g. pages with a lot of repeated terms, but with little other real content, like for example navigation bars.

Sounds like tf/idf might be de-emphasized in scoring. Perhaps should use log() instead of sqrt() when field==content?

I don't think it's that simple, the OPIC score is what determined this behaviour, and it doesn't correspond at all to tf/idf, but to a human judgement.

To conclude, I will add the to the core classes, and I suggest to continue the experiments ...

I've updated the version of Lucene included with Nutch to have the required patch. Would you like me to commit or would you?

Please do it. There are two typos in your version of IndexSorter, you used numDocs() in two places instead of maxDoc(), which for indexes with deleted docs (after dedup) leads to exceptions.

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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