Hi there,

Has anybody looked into running Nutch with Alexa? I.e. using their data store as the source for data that you'd typically be fetching?

The fact that their APIs are Perl & C based would make this non-trivial, I imagine.

I tried searching on their documentation site for Java - kind of funny that what you get when you click the Search button is one step removed from a raw dump of a Lucene index.

Found one ref to Java, on a page that says the programmatic interfaces that allow users to develop applications to process Alexa's Web repository are written in either the C, Perl, or Java.

But I couldn't find any other Java refs. So maybe that page is out of date, or a foreshadowing of things to come.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
Krugle, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200

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