You can always implement your own parser.

On Sat, 2006-02-25 at 16:51 -0500, Fuad Efendi wrote:
> Let's do this, to create /to use existing/ low-level processing, I mean to
> use StartTag and EndTag (which could be different in case of malformed
> HTML), and to look at what is inside.
> In this case performance wil improve, and functionality, because we are not
> building DOM, and we are not trying to find and fix HTML errors. Of course
> our Tag class will have Attributes, and we will have StartTag, EndTag, etc.
> I call it low-level 'parsing'. Are we using DOM to parse RTF, PDF, XLS, TXT?
> Even inside existing parser we are using Perl5 to check some metadata, right
> before parsing.
> =====
> Yes sure. I think everybody has already done such things at school...
> Building a DOM provide:
> 1. a better parsing of malformed html documents (and there is a lot of
> malformed docs on the web)
> 2. gives ability to extract meta-information such as creative commons
> license
> 3. gives a high degree of extensibility (HtmlParser extension point) to
> extract some specific informations without parsing the document many times
> (for instance extracting technorati like tags, ...) and just providing a
> simple plugin.

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